Wine bars, a must for wine lovers.

Now that we are absolutely convinced that storing wines in a regular food refrigerator or leaving it on the kitchen top is akin to vitiating them in the fastest way possible and having a proper wine storage system is more than essential, why not a wine bar too?

An entire room converted into a wine bar.

Wine bars, like a reading corner for avid readers to retreat into, are for wine aficionados to have a piece of their heaven in the comfort of their own home.

It also fulfils the purpose of hosting and serving wine with class, creating an envy among your wine lover friends. They say birds of the same feathers flock together, no?

Building a wine bar enables you to conceal, or not, the typical wine cellar. Your home may bear the feel of a rustic summer home, or it may be donned with the most luxurious marble tops and having a metallic wine cellar would have it starkly standout of the wrong reasons. Designing it to fit right into your home layout would allow the wine cellar to blend in perfectly into the architecture of your home.

Excellent for entertaining, home wine bars can either fit into a cosy corner or have the entire room be transformed. Depending on your drinking needs, a wine bar can be constructed to hold your ideal number of wine glasses and even display racks. Even within the red wine itself (ditto for the whites), differing aroma and taste require a glass distinct for that particular wine. Displaying your entire collection of glasses would make it easy for you to select it for consumption or even just a feast for the eyes. Since many of us have a display shelf for books, so let’s not second guess on our showcasing our love here.

Here are some examples of wine bars that might have you inspired.

Integrate your love of wine into your home

Serve your prized collection properly

Even the cosiest of space could allow the construction of a wine bar.

Take your love for wine up a notch with a customised wine bar.

Speak to us at Bodega living to find the best fit for your home. Contact us here.